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Lead The Way Therapy offers in-home and clinic based occupational therapy services using a developmental approach to therapy based on Dr. Stanley Greenspan’s DIR Floortime Model.  

DIR stands for Developmental-Individual Differences-Relationship Model and involves meeting the child at his/her current developmental level and building on their current strengths. The approach suggests getting down to play on the floor and following the child’s lead: tuning into his interests and desires to enhance interactions and play and help him climb the developmental ladder.

The occupational therapist tailors interactions to the child’s individual differences in sensory reactivity, processing and motor planning. An essential part of the DIR approach is the relationship aspect where therapists, parents, caregivers and teachers utilize their affect to enter the child’s world.

Lead The Way Therapy works as a team with families to promote healthy engagement and relationships and assist children with a variety of developmental challenges reach his/her maximum potential.

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Please contact us at info@leadthewaytherapy.com or call us at (331) 980-8867 to get started